November 06, 2010

36 : Process

Process is the title sbb if tulis step nt org cm nak ikut. but no. this is actually my step smpi realize truth.

mcm nie. first, i have been very honest with my dad about Zahir and as usual, dia tak restu. but what the hell. its been 4 years since i met him. i know how i feel. i would not stop or change this feeling because of my dad. naa aahh ! so, from now on he knows that i already have some1 in my life. he force me to tell him d truth in this way : kau ckp dgn aku btul2, kau nak buat dia jadi laki kau ke ape? kau makin melampau eh perangai. kau jawab ngn aku skrg. he stopped the car and stared at me. so what i answered him is : a ah. kalau bole buat laki, aku mmg nak buat jadi laki aku. and then he was like : aku kecewa dgn perangai kau. aku harap kau takde jodoh dgn dia.

but then kan, u guys should realized something. no matter how ur dad said to u about things, just don't give a damn. sbb jodoh di tangan Allah. not him. as usual. hati aku da keras. so, nothing much to be discussed ! let it be. if dia rase halang aku is the best way, he is so wrong sbb aku da besar, and ade cara aku sndri. life aku skrg bukan mcm life dia dlu. jodoh ikut family. am not ! so, kepada pembaca, i am rude. sbb dr kecik mmg aku cmnie. and hati aku baek ble aku dgn kwn2 aku sndri. bia la bpk tak restu ke ape. sbb mak aku and mak zahir da restu. we will try to fight 4 our love. 4 sure.

this issue buat kn hati aku skt. and buatkan aku takde mood for a week. lame kan. mmg lame. sbb aku siap kne maki lagi. aku harap Allah bantu hamba dia yang teraniaya. bia lah skrg halangan yang aku dpt. yang laen, atas tgn Allah. InsyaAllah. Amin.


  1. :) all the best zynab . semoga Allah kabulkan niat kau dan kebahagiaan sentiasa bersama kau.
